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Monday, September 17, 2012

How to get Newspaper Nails

What you’ll need

1.       Nail polish
2.       Newspaper
3.       Rubbing alcohol
4.       Base coat/Top coat

Start off with a base coat then paint your nails in a light grey, nude or white nail polish color. Other colors may be used for this nail art technique but a grey or white will help the ink from the newspaper show up on the nails much better.

Let your nails completely dry. One coat will suffice but remember to not put a top coat on yet. 

Pour rubbing alcohol into a small container or bowl and dip your nail in the alcohol for about 5 seconds so that the nail polish can absorb the alcohol. Then take a small piece of newspaper and press it on the alcohol-soaked nail for about 15 seconds. Be gentle but firm enough that the ink from the newspaper transfers to the nail.

Once you peel the newspaper away from your nail, you may need to clean up the skin a little bit from excess ink. Just use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to remove the left over ink.

Continue the process on each nail then seal in the newspaper ink with a top coat. A top coat is important for all manicures but especially helps maintain the newspaper nails manicure for a longer period of time. It will stop the ink from rubbing off as well as give your nails some extra shine.

This is a fun and easy nail art technique that can be done on any nail art lover. Have fun! 

Denny Smolinski Purchase these products at

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